Honorable Investment

MSU supporting veterans’ spouses through scholarship.

by Lilly Brogger

Our nation’s veterans put their lives on the line for our freedom. The spouses of these veterans also make an incredible sacrifice, setting aside personal goals to focus on family while their loved ones are in the service. Education is often one of these goals, but frequent relocations complicate pursuing a college degree.  Montana State created the Veteran Families Freedom Scholarship to help these spouses overcome the challenges that come with gaining a college education.

Sean Gifford, an MSU student veteran, came up with the idea, along with his wife, fellow MSU student Kira Gifford. The Giffords explained the idea to Jim Kraus, a retired special-forces colonel and Bozeman local, who then introduced Gifford to Carol Smith, then a member of the MSU Alumni Foundation’s Donor Relations Advisory Board. Smith was intrigued and Sean and Kira presented the idea at the next advisory board meeting. In 2013, the scholarship fund was established, thanks in large part to Smith’s initial donations. Since 2013, the Alumni Foundation has received many additional contributions for the initiative through major gift commitments, planned gifts, endowments, and current-use annual gifts. To date, they’ve raised $608,000.

Carol Smith began her involvement with veterans while volunteering with Warriors and Quiet Waters, and helping student veterans allowed her to further extend her gratitude. “Establishing the Veteran Families Freedom Scholarship is my humble thank-you and infinite gratitude to our military armed forces,” she explains, “who defend our freedom and great country and their spouses who wholeheartedly deserve our thanks.”

Many veterans choose to pursue their education at MSU. Photo by MSU/Kelly Gorham.

Many veterans choose to pursue their education at MSU. Photo by MSU / Kelly Gorham.

For both in-state and out-of-state students, scholarships such as this can be incredibly helpful. Gianna Vanata is the director of development at the MSU Alumni Foundation and helps organize scholarships for veterans. “We have many veterans and families at MSU that have made incredible sacrifices for our country and deserve this support,” says Vanata. “When donors provide  scholarships to a veteran or spouse, they are not only helping lessen the financial stresses of pursuing education, they are honoring the service of these families.”

Jessica Sullivan received the scholarship in the fall of 2014. Her husband Patrick did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. As he was re-stationed, first in Alaska and then in Louisiana, Sullivan transferred schools. Her husband eventually decided to end his time with the army to refocus on education. The couple chose to attend MSU, where Jessica had previously been accepted.

MSU photo by Kelly Gorham

Patrick and Jessica Sullivan. Both chose to attend MSU, and Jessica received a scholarship through the Veteran Families Freedom Scholarship fund. Photo by MSU / Kelly Gorham.

The GI Bill covered tuition and fees for Patrick. She, however, didn’t get financial assistance, and chose to go to school part-time and gain Montana residency. Jessica finally gained residency and received the Veteran Families Freedom Scholarship, which allowed her to student-teach. “It put that semester at ease,” Sullivan explains. “It made it a lot easier to not have to worry about working full-time.”

Both Sullivans graduated in May of 2015 and Jessica now works as the Veteran Coordinator at MSU. The scholarship helped her reach her educational goals, but Jessica’s continued involvement is most important to her. “It’s nice to have it set up for those who come behind me.”

As our military commitments change, more veterans are coming to MSU. This means more spouses as well. MSU has been recognized for accommodating and supporting veterans—the university also offers other scholarships and the MSU Veteran’s Center works to ensure that veterans feel welcome here.

MSU photo by Kelly Gorham

The MSU Veteran Center focuses on creating a welcome home for our nation’s veterans at MSU. Photo by MSU / Kelly Gorham.

The fall 2016 application is now available at montana.edu/veteran, or on their Facebook page. Any veteran spouse committed to his or her education is encouraged to apply.

Ridge Etiquette

How not to be “that guy”.

by the editors of Outside Bozeman magazine

We’ve all seen him: the guy up on the ridge who looks like a total mess. He’s holding the line up, he’s swinging skis and poles everywhere, and he’s stopping in the middle of everything to fix his gloves. His I’ve-never-done-this-before friends have tagged along just to make things worse for everyone.

Bridger Bowl Ridge

Bridger’s Ridge: full of freedom, provided you play by the rules.

Granted, at one point or another, we all took our first step onto the ridge and our lives haven’t been the same since. And in doing so, we all made mistakes along the way and people either yelled at us or abandoned us to figure it out ourselves. But first semester is over, so here’s how to behave the next time you step into the bootpack and begin climbing the stairway to heaven.

1. Stopping in the Bootpack. It’s okay to get tired, but don’t do it in front of 100 hungry powder skiers. Step off to the side and take a few deep breaths. You’ve got all day and having a heart attack on the bootpack would really suck. Step to the side and enjoy the day while the speedy jerk behind you runs to the top to prove his manhood.

2. Urinating. Not in the bootpack. Ever. And even on top of the ridge, please step off of the beaten path to relieve yourself. We understand that this is the great outdoors and you feel so free and alive. Take a few steps sideways to achieve your Zen cleansing so that we don’t have to look at it while sucking wind and sweating out our eyeballs. The moaning is kind of weird too, but we can deal with it.

3. Adjusting Gear. Your skis came loose, your jacket got too hot. We get it. Mine did the same thing 20 steps back. The only difference is I didn’t attempt to fix it with a line of people behind me. This seems so obvious, you would think, but if I had a nickel every time… ah screw it, you get the picture. Step to the side.

4. Planning Ahead. About that hot jacket. I don’t care how many vertical feet you’ve logged on the Stairmaster at Access Fitness, climbing uphill in heavy-ass ski boots is hard work. Plan ahead and strip off your insulated down coat before the hike. At the very least, open your pit zips and unzip the front. You’ll be cold for all of about 60 seconds.

Bridger Bowl Apron

Your reward: the steep and deep.

5. Hogging the Loading Zone. For the patroller’s sake and that of everyone else, leave a path through the loading zone. This means at the top and the bottom. People need to get through, as in from one side to the other, so make it possible. Take all the time you need strapping and unstrapping equipment, but get out of the way while doing it.

6. Unwieldy Poles and Skis. While loading or hiking, turning around abruptly while shouldering skis will leave a wake of destruction. Be aware of where your gear is at all times and don’t take people out with it. And please don’t stab people behind you with your poles.

7. Sideslipping. Maybe this one is taking the list too far, but we thought it was worth a mention: if you’ve got first tracks on something, please don’t ruin it for everyone else. If you can’t do it right, maybe stick to something a little easier next time.

8. Bringing Your Girlfriend. Only kidding, but know the limit. Some people aren’t at the proper level yet, and bringing a beginner or inexperienced person into this terrain is not only a bad idea, it’s simply dangerous to him or her and everyone else.

9. Beacon Ignorance. Know how to use them and practice regularly. Nothing says “I shouldn’t be skiing here” like not being familiar with your avalanche transceiver. Simply putting one on is not good enough. Yes, that’s all they require for you to hike the ridge; but when the time comes to dig out your buddy, staring blankly at that thing strapped to your chest for 10 minutes will cost someone his life. Shovel and probe proficiency will help mitigate disaster as well.

10. Unknown Zones. Know where you are at all times. If you’re new, bring someone who isn’t. Do not ski something that you’re unsure of, as many areas on the ridge cliff out, and this will put you and the people who have to come help you in danger. And with multiple access points to the ridge now, choose the appropriate one for where you are going. If you find yourself hiking north from Slushman’s and down-climbing Z-Chute, you’ve gone too far.

Bridger Ridge

Congratulations: you’re no longer “that guy”.

Bonus: It isn’t against the law for your pack to be loose and dangling, your skis to be swaying in the breeze, or your jacket to be dragging on the ground. But for the love of God, keep your shit in check.

Duck Tales

The lowdown on the MSU ducks.

by Morgan Solomon

With close to 1,000 Facebook followers, the MSU ducks are nothing short of celebrities on campus. I mean, these ducks are pampered and everyone in Bozeman knows about them. In a recent interview with the eldest mallard of the pond, we found out what it’s like being an MSU duck.

Mr. Mallard, why are you and the ducks so popular around campus?
“Well, first I’d like to say that we’re certainly appreciative of the love. It’s really something to be able to winter over in Montana if we want, with only a bare minimum of harassment and shenanigans on campus. If I had to guess, our fans like us because we’re a welcome distraction from classes—a bit of wildness right here on MSU grounds. And I’ve been told that we waddle in an amusing manner.”

MSU Duck Pond

“We’re ready for our crumbs now, thank you very much.”

Describe your typical day at the pond.
“First thing is usually the morning rush from the dorms. Those freshman really book it—get it, book it?—when they’re late in the morning. After that, we typically lounge in the sun until the morning shift arrives. Bread-throwers, that is. They feed us until we barely float, and then it’s time for a nap.”

Sounds rough.
“Well, there are all of those domestic wolves to contend with. They’re either chasing us around the pond about to snap our heads off, or stealin’ the bread nuggets right from under our beaks. Of course, out-of-town ducks can be a pain, too. They clearly don’t know what a big deal we are, and sometimes I wonder if fighting for a piece of bread is worth a black eye or broken rib.” 

Still, for a duck it sounds pretty plush.
“Yeah. We wouldn’t want it any other way. After the Ugly Duckling, Daffy Duck, and that miserly Scrooge McDuck, we’re pretty much the biggest story in duck celebrities these days. Those Duck Dynasty fools don’t hold a candle.”

To stay in touch with Mr. Mallard and the gang, visit them at the duck pond (with bread, of course) or go to facebook.com/pages/MSU-Duck-Pond.

Do Your Part

Volunteer opportunities for the holidays and beyond. 

The holidays are a season of reflection, giving thanks, spending time with family, and relaxing. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for everyone. For some, the holidays bring on even more stress—financial strain, insecurity, and trouble keeping the house warm. That’s where volunteering comes in. As college students, giving money typically isn’t an option and there’s a limit to how much Ramen you can donate. Luckily, time and effort are just as valuable. Below are some options—some specifically for the holidays and some for beyond—that will make you, and the people around you, feel good.

MSU’s Office of Activities and Engagement sponsors Service Saturdays, local service projects held the first Saturday of every month. There are several options in December—creating Christmas cards for seniors (on campus), volunteering at Gallatin Rest Home with group activities, helping Bridgercare send out holiday letters (on campus), helping set up the Christmas Stroll and the Baxter Ballroom, and helping Habitat for Humanity reorganize and make room for new items. February events include Valentine’s Day card decorating, helping at Reach, Good Neighbor Bag distribution, and more. Go here for more information and to check out February and March dates.

MSU_Restore Volunteering

MSU students helping at Habitat For Humanity. Image courtesy of MSU Office of Activities and Engagement.

Big Brothers, Big Sisters, can be a great way for college students to become involved. They require background checks and proof that you are responsible of course, but allow for flexible schedules. They encourage prospective mentors to check out the “Enroll a Child” page on their website to see the kind of kids needing mentors and to read about the matching process. The kids enrolled in the program come from all walks of life and from various financial situations. Matches aren’t random, but rather are based on the kind of mentoring you want to do, and the kind of mentoring the enrolled child needs. They currently have 33 Little Brothers on the waiting list and are in need of Big Brothers. The best way to contact them is through their website, which lists their phone number as well as an email form. They can also be messaged on their Facebook page or on Twitter.

valentines volunteering

In February, MSU students can help make Valentines Day cards to help local organizations. Image courtesy of MSU Office of Activities and Engagement.

Bozeman’s frigid winters mean that anyone without a home is in an especially bad situation. The Warming Center—part of the HRDC—relies heavily on volunteers during this time of year. Orientations are held Tuesdays from 6-7pm. Potential volunteers are encouraged to check out the Warming Center’s website and stop by to find out where help is needed. The HRDC also has various other volunteering opportunities.

food bank

MSU students volunteering at the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, another great service opportunity. Image courtesy of the MSU Office of Activities and Engagement.

MSU also has a partnership with America Reads, which focuses on helping kids struggling with literacy and math skills. MSU students can apply to become tutors, which are recruited at the beginning of the spring and fall semester. Check out their website for more information, contact, and to find an application.

Theses are just a few of the many opportunities for volunteering in our community. MSU’s annual Involvement Fair takes place January 23, from 10am to 3pm in the SUB ballrooms. A large group of local organizations will discuss volunteering and answer questions. Check out this list of groups that will be there.

Heightened Perspective

Getting a bird’s-eye view of Bozeman.

by Lilly Brogger

Heart racing, I took control of the plane. My left hand trembled on the stick as I pushed the throttle to full power with my right, causing the plane to lurch across the runway. As we gained speed, I eased the stick back, lifting the nose off the ground—we were airborne.

Though I felt like part of some top-secret mission, I was actually doing an introductory flight with Summit Aviation. As a college student, I tore a coupon out of the MSU Pocket Guide and was able to give flying a try for less than the cost of Big Sky ski pass. Summit Aviation typically does these introductory flights for people interested in beginning regular flight lessons. The plane was a little Diamond DA20, designed for training. Josh, my flight instructor, had his own stick to keep me lined out.


My side of the plane, with the joystick-like stick at lower right.

Once in the air, Josh used his own controls to straighten us out. As we reached the desired elevation, he coached me through the process of leveling off the nose. I tried to keep my movements smooth, but kept going too far right or left while I moved the stick forward and back to keep us level. Josh’s patient, encouraging voice spoke to me through the headset and once I got us lined out he announced, “You’re flying a plane!” My mind went blank—I was in disbelief. “Ahhhh, no I’m not!” I objected, and he got a huge kick out of that.

My hand was plastered to the stick and Josh took the opportunity to relieve me of the controls and let me take in the sights for a while. When I was flying, Josh had said to point toward the “M.” While trying to focus, I didn’t actually take in its grandeur from our bird’s-eye view, but I did see where Bozeman starts to the north and east.

While I was looking out the window, Josh explained that being relaxed was the most important part of flying. Taking his own hand off the stick, he said, “See, at this point, the plane pretty much flies itself.” I wondered if that was a subtle reference to my own death-grip on the stick during take-off.

I looked out the window and was taken aback by how different the valley looks from above. We were now over town. When driving through Bozeman, it feels like a huge, metropolitan cluster, but from above, it’s tiny—just a speck within a vast and open valley. Josh made straight for MSU, made a hard turn above Bobcat Stadium, and circled above campus.


The view of Bobcat Stadium from above.

We then headed south by southwest, toward Gallatin Gateway. Josh pointed out landmarks so I could get my bearings: the Oracle campus below us to the south, Four Corners out ahead. Finally, the serpentine shape of the Gallatin River emerged, trees standing out against the recent snow.

Taking in the serene winterscape below, I thought about how calm and helpful Josh was—it made the experience that much more enjoyable. I’m not much for small talk, and he had to coax conversation out of me, asking about school and relating his own experiences. I got distracted with the view below, and after a long period of silence, he asked, “Are you okay?” I was perfectly fine but really did appreciate that he wanted me to have a good time up there.

After Gateway, we turned north, heading back toward the airport. I looked west, able to see some of the Tobacco Roots through clouds, close to where I grew up. The rest of the flight was incredibly relaxing and the landscape was exquisite—as a senior in college currently pulling out all the stops to pass my classes, keep my life together, and graduate, saying I’ve been overwhelmed would be an understatement. It’s easy to let stress build up but while looking at the mountains at their level, all thoughts about school and life left my mind. Looking back, it was the best stress-relieving measure I’ve taken in a long time.

The thin blanket of snow below made each hill, body of water, building, and landmark stand out, stark against the perfect white. My roommate had told me, “You will get to see the valley from God’s eyes and that is very special.” It was special indeed and gave me a new perspective on what this place really looks like.


A Diamond DA20. Image courtesy of Summit Aviation.

As a true-to-the-core westerner, when I see a new place, I often wonder what it once looked like. Nothing is as euphoric as cresting a hill on horseback and looking down on a completely wild place. Time obliterates and I think, “I feel like Charlie Russell right now.” It could be 1890 for all I know. This was the same feeling I had looking at the valley from above. The Gallatin Valley hasn’t been developed for very long compared to the rest of the world. Trying to erase the houses from my vision and just see the wild, I realized how expansive it would have seemed, standing atop any of the mountain ranges we are surrounded by.

Still, as a fifth-generation native of the valley, I have also become increasingly cynical about change. From the air, subdivisions surrounded by hayfields were scars. Manicured lawns and new fences covered wounds left in the ground. The town itself seems to belong, to fit in with the surrounding environment, but its fringes are awkwardly attached. From my vantage point, I realized that Bozeman hasn’t swallowed the valley whole quite yet, but it’s certainly working on it.

We came in toward the airport, completing our circle of the valley. The flight flew by (ha) but we had been in the air for quite a while. Josh radioed in to check for other planes on the runway and once we got the go-ahead, he told me to put my hand back on the stick, saying, “This is a little trickier than takeoff but I’ll guide you along.” Knowing he’d be helping gave me a lot more confidence.

This time, I tried to emulate the relaxed, smooth movements Josh had shown me, and with a little help, I lowered the plane onto the runway. Josh took care of the throttle and helped me keep the plane straight.

On the ground again, I realized that I—the nervous, inexperienced student—had just completed a takeoff and landing, the two most technical parts. Josh cruised around at altitude. Realizing I was capable of such things was empowering.

As the plane came to stop, I was excited. The entire experience was phenomenal. While I have no plans to become a pilot—I like keeping two feet on the ground—I would encourage anyone wanting to see the valley from this perspective, and give flying a try, to check out Summit Aviation.

My conversation with Josh also made me think about the other career options young people have. I chose college and continue to be passionate about my English writing studies, but have friends who are struggling to find a curriculum they  enjoy. College is too expensive to be unhappy with your studies, and contrary to popular belief, a college degree isn’t necessary for success. I decided to stick to writing, but if you’re a student looking for more options and like a little adventure, go take an introductory flight. You just might find a new career path.

Josh was a great instructor, and despite my fears, deep down I knew I was in safe hands. My new perspective left me refreshed and invigorated, and our little jaunt around the valley reminded me how important it is to seek out new experiences. A new perspectives doesn’t just teach, they create memories that stick with us forever.

Digging Pits

Why snow-stability tests matter.

by Doug Chabot

An online article posted October 29, 2015 for backcountrymagazine.com on snowpits, avalanche character, and the difficulties and risks of traveling in various types of snow, is a welcome early season jump-start to get us thinking about snow and avalanches. Every snow climate is different and every professional forecaster looks at the snowpack through his and her own forecasting lens, but we are all trying to increase the understanding of avalanches in order have fun and stay alive. Whether this is your first year at MSU or you’re a super senior, this info is vital if you’re traveling in the backcountry.

After reading Drew Hardesty’s article, ”Mountain Skills: Understanding the ‘Avalanche Problem’“, I wanted to add to the discussion by fine-tuning the message and challenging some of the assumptions. Describing how digging snowpits does not make us immune to triggering avalanches the author writes, “Sometimes, it’s like wearing your seatbelt during a head-on with a Mack truck.” Even so, I always fasten my seatbelt. On a highway of Mack trucks, buckling up seems like a safe bet. He opens the article with a compelling story about skiers triggering a slide that killed one.

Most of the party had been through a Level 1 avalanche class; they had checked the forecast—moderate—dug a pit and made a plan to ski one at a time. Then, they watched with horror as the first skier threw in a ski cut that triggered an avalanche two- to four-feet deep and 600-feet wide.

A paragraph later Drew lists what they did right and wrong:

What are the things the group did that didn’t matter?

1. They dug a snow pit.

Digging a snowpit always matters. It’s the only way to know what’s under our feet at that particular moment. There is no other way.

Avalanche Awareness, MSU, Bozeman

No matter the terrain, it pays to be avy savvy.

Snowpit tests are used to show instability, not stability. Never stability. Snowpits do not give the green light to ski; they just give us the red light to not ski. An unstable test result is always critical information. A stable test result does not mean the snow is stable a hundred feet away.

In the article’s example the group read the avalanche forecast, saw no obvious signs of instability and had no reason to suspect the slope. Nonetheless, before dropping in they did the correct thing and dug a snowpit. Although we make our best educated guess on where to dig and test it’s unlikely that it ends up being on the weakest part of the slope. Finding the weakest spot is a combination of luck, instinct and experience. In this case, because the slope avalanched we can infer that a test at the trigger point would have given an unstable result, although it might not have been feasible to do so.

The premise of snowpits not mattering is erroneous. Wearing a seatbelt but arriving unscathed does not mean it was foolhardy to wear one; placing climbing gear in a crack but not falling is neither foolhardy nor pointless; looking at the weather before a big alpine endeavor was not a waste of time because the forecast was wrong. Determining snow stability is not an exact science. Doing the right steps, like snowpit testing, does not always give the correct information. Sometimes people get in an accident while wearing a seatbelt, just as skiers sometimes trigger a slide after doing a stability test. Although wearing a seatbelt or doing a stability test is not going to prevent all mishaps from occurring, taking these precautions increases our margin of safety and could avoid disaster.

This article originally appeared on the Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center (GNFAC) website. Doug Chabot is the director of the GNFAC.

Foil the Freshman 15

Staying fit in the face of temptation.

by Jessica Tuttle

“What should I do with my free time in between work and classes? Where should I eat? What should I do on the weekends?” Your first semester of college isn’t just about choosing a major and the perfect schedule. Not only are you overwhelmed with meeting new people, starting classes, having roommates, and trying to navigate a campus and a new town, you’re trying to not lose sight of who you are and where you came from. In the first few months of all things new and different, it is important to stay mentally and physically well-balanced.

Dinning halls, dorm room snacks, downtown food trucks, late night pizza, BEER, house parties, tailgating, etc…there are endless ways to pack on the infamous “Freshman 15.” Luckily, Bozeman is one of the best places to stay in shape outside and all of it is so easily accessible from campus.

Finding time to incorporate exercise into your new routine can be tough. With more freedom than you’re used to, you’ll have to discipline yourself to take a break from the books and put the partying on hold if you allow some time for a quick walk, hike, run, or bike around town. Here is a list of some favorite nearby trails that are a short bike ride or car ride away:

Peets Hill
Sourdough Trail
The “M” Trail
Drinking Horse
Triple Tree Loop
Main Street to the Mountains Trail System.

Access Peets Hill at the east end of College Street toward downtown. This is the easiest to get to and a quick jaunt to the top. I recommend this at sunset to catch the golden fall glow on the Bridgers. Both Sourdough and Triple Tree trailheads begin about five miles outside of town and offer great views of Gallatin Valley. The College “M” trail and Drinking Horse are on the north side of town as you head up Bridger Canyon. It will take 15-20 minuets to get there and they’re each roughly three miles round-trip. Main Street to the Mountains is a whole network of local trails that connect from one end of town to the other and go through several scenic parks.

The view from Peets Hill never disappoints.

The view from Peets Hill never disappoints.

Even on the busiest of days, make time to hit these trails. You can be out anywhere from 30 minuets to a couple of hours on them. You might find that most trails are shared with mountain bikers, strollers, and dogs. You never know who you’re going to meet but it can be refreshing to see people other than your classmates. Sometimes you may be alone  and this could be the quiet time you need to yourself that you just can’t seem to find in all the buzz of campus life.

Sunset over Gallatin Valley from the Triple Tree trail

Sunset over Gallatin Valley from the Triple Tree trail

Spending time on the trails can rejuvenate your spirit, clear your head, and give you a good look around your favorite college town. Think of your runs as mental re-charges as well as calorie burners. One of the best things about living in Bozeman is the enthusiasm for outdoor adventure and the appreciation everyone has for living in such a beautiful place. Make some time to get off campus and explore the wide network of trail systems that the community has worked hard to create and maintain for us all. This is an amazing place to spend the next adventurous chapter of your life.

Bother to Bike

Things to remember as you get psyched to bike.  

by Caroline Miller

As you’re breaking out your short-shorts in this early-spring sun, perhaps it’s time to dig out another fair-weather item: the bike. Those breaks are itching to be tightened and the gears are ready to be cranked. Even if your bike has collected dust for years, it’s not too late – pump up those tires and give biking another chance.  Here are some things to keep in mind as you hit the streets this season.

Rules of the Road
Your bike isn’t the only thing that needs maintenance; be sure to tune up your bike etiquette as well.  Though it doesn’t have an engine or a radio, a bicycle is a vehicle. Therefore, when you’re on the road, you must obey the same laws as a car. Turn signals, lights, and obeying stop signs are not optional. It’s important to use hand signals when turning, so your hands must be free, not texting or taking selfies. To signal a left turn, extend your left arm straight out to the side.  For a right turn, use the same arm, but bend at the elbow and extend your hand upward. At four-way stops and uncontrolled intersections, you must wait your turn – cars may signal you to proceed, but don’t assume you have the right of way.

It’s important to keep in mind that by Montana state law, you must always be on the road; it’s illegal to bike on sidewalks.  When in dual-use areas (such as the Gallagator Trail), stay to the right, and when you pass someone, give a shout and let them know you’re there – this is not only courteous, but required by law. Montana law also requires a light when biking at night. This means a front lamp visible and a rear reflector, each visible at 500 feet.

A demonstration of the above signal rule.  It's not rocket science.

A demonstration of the above signal rule. It’s not rocket science.

Safety First
So what can you do to be safe? It starts with respect. Respect other drivers and make sure you are following the aforementioned laws. You are not entitled to the whole road just because you have the agility to dart in and out of people. Keep in mind, Bozeman police can issue citations for using your phone when biking. When you do make it to your destination, park in a bicycle rack (MSU may impound your bike if it’s locked to anything else). Later, when you head home, make sure you have a headlamp or flashlight. Make sure you register your bike with the City of Bozeman or University Police – should your bike get stolen, they can get it back to you promptly if recovered.  And wear a helmet, people, accidents happen.

A simple way to get your bike impounded on campus.

Why Yearn the Burn?
So if you don’t bike, why should you? Besides the health benefits – your calves will get yolked in just a few short weeks, and your lungs will thank you for the extra fresh air – there are many other advantages to biking. First, it’s an excellent way to relieve stress after a long day at school or work. Second, you reduce your carbon footprint. Third, biking can be faster than driving. As fun as it is to do laps around MSU parking lots, biking can get you to class or around town in a comparable amount of time. Lastly, you can spice up your daily commute by adding a leg on the trail – Bozeman is surrounded with bike trails also. (Mountain biking is yet another reason; click here for info on that.)

Score better parking than you’ll find in the SB lot.

Deals on Wheels
If you’re bike-less and don’t know how to get the tires spinning, there’s a variety of shops ready to sell you a fresh set of wheels. The Gallatin Valley Bike Club sponsors the Bike Swap in mid-April, where you can purchase a previously-loved bike from a fellow Bozemanite. University Police also holds an annual bike sale in where you can purchase a bike that has been impounded (so make sure you register your bike). If you want to clean up that bike that’s been sitting in your parent’s garage for 15 years, head to the Bozeman Bike Kitchen, where you can learn the necessary tips & tricks. Outdoor Rec at MSU also helps students learn bicycle maintenance. If you have the know-how already, just head down and borrow their tools.

One of Bozeman's many shops that will buy, sell, or fix up your ride: The Bike Peddler

One of the many shops that will buy, sell, or fix up your ride: the Bike Peddler, near Oak & Rouse.